Gang Prevention Program
Our Gang Prevention Program
At the heart of our mission lies a deep commitment to breaking the cycle of gang affiliation and criminal activity among youth ages 10 to 15. Through compassion, expertise, and unwavering dedication, our team addresses the root causes that draw young people toward negative influences. Our goal is clear: to intercept challenges, inspire change, and empower youth to envision a brighter future. Recognizing that every young person’s story is unique, we provide personalized support tailored to the needs of each youth and their family. Our work isn’t just about prevention—it’s about transformation. Through a wide array of free services, we aim to foster resilience, build community, and unlock potential:
Case Management
Individual & Family Counseling
Youth Group Meetings
Educational, Cultural, and Recreational Outings
Safe Passage Support
Tattoo Removal Services
Sports Programs and More
Holistic and Transformative Experiences
Education forms the foundation of our efforts, but we also embrace the power of culture, recreation, and shared experiences to spark growth and broaden horizons. From enriching cultural excursions and exciting sports programs to immersive activities that nurture curiosity and confidence, our initiatives open doors to new worlds and possibilities.
Together, as a united community, we can pave the way to a brighter, more hopeful future—one where challenges do not define our children, but their dreams and aspirations do.
Get Involved
If you or someone you know could benefit from our program, we’re here to help. Please contact: Fernando Lopez at 📞 (310) 832-1145 or 📧 flopez@toberman.org
Our services are proudly supported and in collaboration with the City of Los Angeles GRYD Program (Gang Reduction and Youth Development).
