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Gang Intervention provides specialized intervention counselors and case managers who mediate disputes and maintain the peace involving local gangs. With the goal of moving clients beyond gangs, our specialist provides wrap-around services such as counseling, case management, reentry services and employment support.


Gang Intervention makes a profound difference every day in the Harbor Area where our current Crisis Intervention Workers are on the streets providing safe passage, ensuring rumors are controlled, as well as working with our youth to help them avoid risky and illegal behaviors and managing disputes. The Harbor Area is geographically the largest zone in Los Angeles, covering San Pedro, Wilmington, Harbor City, and Harbor Gateway. Our workers serve clients and their families to provide crisis intervention work and comprehensive services in all four of these communities daily.

Our strategies to address the gang problem are consistent with research and evidence-based practices in the field of gang intervention. We offer intensive case management and positive role models. We engage the entire family to support our clients, and we focus on dealing directly with the complex problems of poverty, unemployment, homelessness, and violence facing our clients.

If you or someone you know needs our Gang Intervention services, please contact:

Program Manager, Russell Martinez 
310-832-1145 ext. 130 or
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